Viewpoint Vista

Viewpoint Vista, Art
Viewpoint Vista

Art    6 x 8 x 1    $4,500.00    https://www.davidlap...   

Oil Paint on Hardwood Panel
Artist Statement
Growing up, my time in nature was not just a backdrop but a central force in shaping my artistic vision. Through landscape painting, I embark on a personal pilgrimage back to these roots, seeking a deeper communion with the natural world. In my art, I aim to achieve a delicate balance: to present the landscape with representational fidelity while infusing each piece with an impressionistic essence. This approach aims to evoke a sense of tranquility and timelessness, inviting viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the serene rhythm of nature. I often incorporate pathways and tree lines in my work, using them metaphorically as gateways to transcendent spaces, leading viewers to an introspective journey beyond the canvas.


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